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Last Thursday, July 30, 2015, we witnessed the participation of most Filipinos in the first-ever metro-wide earthquake drill in our country. The objective of the drill was to increase the metro’s chances of better recovery and implementation of contingencies in the event of earthquakes.

The three things that were emphasized that one needs to do during an earthquake can also be applied to protect one should a financial earthquake, death of the breadwinner in the family, retrenchment, a serious illness or retirement, strikes. Practicing these three things would increase one’s preparedness and therefore, lessen the impact of these financial earthquakes. One would probably sail through it with little or no damage.

1. DROP. Drop your ancient belief that money is the root of all evils. The love of money is the root of all evils. Believe that it is perfectly alright to want to become rich and that having more money is never a crime. Drop your fears and excuses about saving and investing. Banish your fears by learning how to handle your money and then doing. Start building your wealth early.

2. COVER. Cover yourself from people who are not supportive of your financial goals. These people who would talk you out of your desire or commitment to invest and grow your money are mostly those who doubt themselves that they can do it, too and that it is possible to rise up from one’s dire financial circumstance.

3. HOLD. Never give up. The road to financial freedom is long and the ride is slow. But keeping at it, saving and investing regularly, will surely get you to your destination.

Remember, financial earthquakes don’t kill. UNPREPAREDNESS does. So, DROP, COVER and HOLD!

P.S. If you want to learn how to invest in the stock market the right way, click here.