Someone from my Facebook page, Pinoy Employees and OFWs Can Invest In The Stock Market, asked me for a sample computation how much his money would earn if say, he invested P 5,000.00 each month in the stock market.

I gave him a sample computation illustrated in the image below.

The Turtle's Way of Investing In The Stock Market

The Turtle’s Way of Investing In The Stock Market

I showed him how members of the Truly Rich Club invest in the stock market. We call the system, SAM or Strategic Averaging Method. To avoid nose bleeding, we simply refer to the strategy as the “turtle” strategy.

The system is similar to a turtle’s slow movements.

Small amounts are invested each month. Or, buying stocks in tranches.

Investors buy only recommended stocks which are at their BUY BELOW PRICES.

Investors stop buying the recommended stocks when the stocks’ prices are above the BUY BELOW PRICES.

Investors sell when TARGET PRICES are reached.

The system is sometimes perceived to be B-O-R-I-N-G. But, boring is winning! The risks are minimized when this system is used in investing in the stock market.

From the sample computation above, it is better to put your retirement fund in the stock market rather than the bank, don’t you think?

Click here to learn more about the Truly Rich Club.

Happy Investing!

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