Archives for the month of: November, 2013
Quote by Albert Camus

Quote by Albert Camus

Make more money for you and your family. Learn the simple system how to invest in the stock market. Join the Truly Rich Club now! Click here.

Quote by Andrew Carnegie

Quote by Andrew Carnegie

God wants us to be rich so we can help our brothers and sisters in need. If you desire to give more when the next calamity comes you have to start building your wealth now!

Join the Truly Rich Club and be personally mentored by Bo Sanchez, best-selling author and preacher, how to invest in the stock market. Let him teach you the simple system he taught his maids and driver who are now richer than many managers. Click here.

Qoute by Tony Robbins

Qoute by Tony Robbins

Do something else to get more. Learn how to invest in the stock market and watch your money grow exponentially! Click here.

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Truly Rich Club Wealth Quote

“Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible.” – Cherie Carter Scott.

Do you want to be remembered as an extraordinary person? Join the Truly Rich Club where thousands, including three maids and a driver who has four kids and lives in the squatters area believe that it is possible to have P10 M – P20 M when they retire!

Join here now!

Philippine Bills

Philippine Bills

Do you love money?

If you are like me more than a decade ago, I am certain that your answer to the question above is, “No, I don’t love money. I am not greedy. I don’t accumulate wealth for material gain. Whatever I earn, I put in a savings account where it is safe.”

If I knew then what I know now, I would have answered the question differently. I realized that I also loved money. True, I did not excessively pursue and gained money because I grew up believing that the love of money, which is greed, is the root of all evil. I did not realize then that putting my money in a savings account where the interest rate is so small that it is comparable to stuffing it under a mattress, where it does not earn anything, was another form of loving money. I loved money by holding it and burying it.

I placed what I had in a savings account because it was risk-free. It was hard-earned that I was afraid of losing it. I was guilty as the third servant in the parable of the talents. He who buried the money given to him by his master.

I was not a good steward of the money God has blessed me with. What I had then did not multiply, the consequence of failing to invest rooted to the fear of losing it.

Fast forward to the present.

Now, I am aware of the financial sin that I committed in the past. And since I dream of God telling me when I permanently retire in heaven, “Well done, my faithful servant,” I threw away all my primitive beliefs about money. My fear of God taking everything He blessed me with is now far greater than the fear of taking a risk to multiply His blessings.

How about you? Are you like most who are still scared of taking a leap and investing in the stock market where your money will grow at a much faster and higher rate? Increase your wisdom and lower the risk by joining the Truly Rich Club. It is where you will be personally mentored by Bo Sanchez, the man who taught his maids how to invest in the stock market.

Join thousands who are already investing in the stock market. Click here now!

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