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Are you wondering where you will get the money you need to invest in the stock market? Have you always been making excuses that you don’t have enough money? Every month your salary pays for the rent, utilities, groceries, allowances for your family who lives in the province and other expenses that nothing is left. Guess what? Bo Sanchez’ two maids’ salaries were only P7,000.00 (~USD 163) when they started investing in the stock market more than three years ago. How did they do it?

Bo Sanchez taught his maids the very simple 5-envelope system. They set aside a certain percentage of their salaries to go to each envelope. The five envelopes were named as: (1) tithe fund, (2) expense fund, (3) support fund, (4) emergency fund and (5) retirement fund.

The Bible says to put aside 10% of your harvest to give to God’s work. This 10% of one’s harvest is what is called “tithe”. Bo did not impose his maids to give the full 10% of their salaries to the tithe fund and advised them to put an amount in the tithe fund according to what they are willing to give. The expense fund is what his maids use to buy their toiletries, clothes, etc. The support fund contains the money his maids regularly send back home to help their families buy their daily needs. And we all know that emergencies like, an uncle needs money to bury a loved one, a niece needs to enroll, or a pig was stolen and thus needs to be replaced, always arise. The money Bo’s maids send back home for these emergencies go to the emergency fund. And last, but not the least, his maids set aside an amount for their retirement fund. This is what they use to invest in the stock market.

This is how much each of the five envelopes contains:

Tithe fund : P 700.00 (this is if they set aside 10% of their monthly salary of P7,000.00 for this fund)
Expense fund : P 1,000.00 (toiletries, clothes, an occasional treat at Jollibee, etc.)
Support fund : P 2,000.00
Emergency fund : P 1,000.00
Retirement fund : P 2,300.00 (what’s left after all other funds are deducted from P 7,000.00)

From the list above,  Bo’s maids have P 2,300.00 each month set aside as their retirement fund.  Is this enough to invest in the stock market?

After reading Bo Sanchez’ ebook, “My Maid Invests In The Stock Market…And Why You Should, Too!“, (click here to download your FREE copy) I learned that one can start investing in the stock market for as low as P5,000.00. Then one can put in as low as Php1,000 or Php2,000 every month, depending on how much one can invest. I also learned that the stock market is now accessible online. This means that anyone can invest in the stock market anywhere they are in the world!

I would like to share with you this email I received from my mentor, Bo Sanchez. I wish I received this email earlier on after I went back to work. Nevertheless, what’s important is I immediately got Bo Sanchez as my mentor after receiving it and started saving and investing the way he taught his maids how.

                                                My Maids Are Now Richer

Than Many Managers

Three years ago, I taught my Maids how to invest in the Stock Market.
People laughed at me when I told them what I was doing.
“That’s too much for them,” one friend told me. “They can’t handle that. It’s better to teach them how to put their money in the bank.”
But who’s laughing now?
One of my maids has P363,658 (as at December 2014, this maid already has P700,000+) in her stock market account.
My other maid has 210,847 (as at December 2014, this other maid already has P400,00+) in her account.


That may not be much to you, but to them, they feel very rich.
And here’s a fact: My Maids are now richer than many Managers.
I’m not kidding.


You see, I talk to a lot of Managers when I give corporate seminars.
Many of them have Zero savings and are buried in debt.


My maids? They’re confident that in 5 to 7 more years, they’ll have P1 Million. And 20 years, over P5 Million.
If you’ve got 20 minutes a month,
You can work a financial miracle in your life.
Each month, my maids bought the Stocks I told them to buy.


It wasn’t easy, believe me. There were days when they didn’t want to invest their money—because they wanted to buy something. But with my coaching, they disciplined themselves and invested their money.
All it takes is 20 minutes a month.
First, set aside 20% of your salary each month.


Next, put in your small amount into the Stocks I tell you to buy—which can be done all online, seated in front of your computer, in the comfort of your home. And that’s it. Do this each month and you’re all set to retire a multi-millionaire.
Here’s the deal: Whatever small amounts you can put into the Stock Market today will be worth millions 20 years from now.
I believe that investing (not trading) in the Stock Market is one of the best ways of growing your passive income. Yes, there’s a difference between trading and investing. And my eBook and special Reports will teach you the difference.
Guarantee: You’ll Be Able To Understand Me


Do you know the problem with the Stock Market world?
They don’t speak English. Honest.
They speak a strange dialect that is spoken only in the second moon of the planet Uranus.


But I’ve solved that problem. If my maids can understand me, then anyone can understand me.
I’ll Hold Your Hands Every Step Of The Way


Here’s what I do for my TrulyRichClub Gold members.


Twice a month, I send a very short “Stocks Update”. I’ll tell you what companies I’m investing in and how they’re doing.


Why will I give this “Stocks Update” Report? To give myTrulyRichClub members guidance and inspiration.
Especially when there’s a crisis, my “Stocks Update” will be crucial. It will prevent you from selling your Stocks because of your panic—and lose your money. And it will encourage you to do the very opposite—buy great companies when the prices are very low.


Join Today And You’ll Start Stocks Investing Next Week


I have to be honest with you: This may not be for you.
I don’t want you to get into something that isn’t for you.


First of all, this isn’t for the person who doesn’t have a job or business.
In order to invest regularly, you’ve got to earn regularly. (My Maids earn a smaller salary than Managers, but you see, it’s not how much you earn, but how much you keep of what you earn.)


If you have a regular income and are willing to set aside a few pesos a month to invest in long-term investments—so you can create millions for your future—then listen up.


Read carefully:  Last year is gone.


So here’s my big questions for you: Can you PREPARE now so that this year will be very different from last year? Do you want this year to be your banner year of growing your finances?


Will you do something NOW?


Or will you be wondering again when this year chugs along, “Oh my gosh, the year is going so fast… Why haven’t I done anything to secure my financial future?”


If you want me to help you, then click here now.


Sign up today, because I’ll be sending out my Stocks Update Report next week for my TrulyRichClub Gold members.


By next week, you can already start investing in the Stock Market. (My “starter’s kit” will also teach you how to create an online account in COLFinancial, the biggest online stocks brokerage in the country. You can also email us for any questions on how to do it.)


To join the Club and start creating your multi-million retirement fund, then click here today.
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez


PS1. Take Charge Of Your Financial Future. Don’t leave this year to chance. Do something today that will give you financial freedom in your advanced years.   I believe investing little amounts each month in the Stock Market will give you financial freedom in the later years of your life. To take charge of your financial future, click here now.
PS2. By the way, the TrulyRichClub isn’t just all about the Stock Market. It’s also about having an abundance mindset. Why? Believe me, all the technical stuff I’ll teach about The Stock Market WON’T WORK if you don’t have an abundance mindset. So in the Club, you’ll also receive a lot of Audio Talks and eReports from me about having an abundance mindset. To take charge of your financial future, click here now.

