I have been a member of the Truly Rich Club for more than three years now and I confess that I have contemplated to unsubscribe from it from time to time.

Funny though that every time I will decide to unsubscribe, something happens that prevents me from pressing that goodbye button.

Here are the three reasons why I never continued with my plan to unsubscribe from the Truly Rich Club.

1. Stock Alerts

The Truly Rich Club would send email messages with subjects like, BUY ALERT, SELL ALERT and HOLD ALERT. These email messages serve as the members’ guides on what to do with the stocks they have in their possession. If I unsubscribed from the Truly Rich Club, I would no longer have received these stock alert messages which always arrived in my inbox just in the right time.

It is true that I have access to COL Financial’s research information and I can decide to just buy stocks of the companies in COL Financial’s portfolio but I won’t receive email alerts from them if they recommend to sell or hold a stock in their portfolio. I need to go to COL Financials’ website and check from time to time any new information they have about a particular company’s stocks. Something that I can do only when I have the time and when I remember to check and which I most often do on a whim.

Whenever I would order to sell the stocks I bought recommended by the Truly Rich Club ahead of the sell alert email, I would often than not, receive hold alert emails recommending to hold selling the stock because the target price of the stock will be upgraded. What I do when this happens is to immediately cancel my sell order and patiently wait for the new target price. If I did not receive those stock alerts then I would have lost opportunities to profit more.

Note: Buy, Hold and Sell only through the Truly Rich Club‘s recommendation and do not do as I often did before which was to Buy and Sell ahead of the club’s recommendation.

2. The Quarterly Truly Rich Club Gold Mastermind

I received an invitation in the first quarter of this year to join the first ever Truly Rich Club Gold Mastermind. It is a venue where Truly Rich Club Gold members can meet each other in person and all the members get to meet Truly Rich Club Platinum members who are entrepreneurs generous enough to share their individual journeys to success in the world of business.

We were able to be in a room with like-minded people where we learned how to create other income streams.

There was an attendee at the time who I think was blessed more than what he hoped for because he was planning to put up a gasoline station included in the ‘big three” gasoline stations in our country but one of the presenters who happened to own a gasoline station before discouraged the attendee from doing so because it is not profitable to put up one at present. The attendee was given another more profitable business idea in the same industry to consider.

Another entrepreneur speaker let the attendees in on how he established an online shoe store which has sold more shoes than the brands being sold in the malls.

If I unsubscribed from the Truly Rich Club then I would have missed this exciting event exclusive to Truly Rich Club members. I would have missed growing and expanding my knowledge on how to create multiple income streams.

3. Everyday Prayer Intercession by Bo Sanchez

I was reminded of ย this by a friend when I went to the Kerygma Conference last year. We were catching up with each other when she led me to an article in the newsletter that was distributed during the event. In the article was an image of Bo Sanchez’ maid who already has more than half a million pesos in the stock market.

What struck me was what my friend said, “This is not impossible because Bo Sanchez prays everyday.”

This reminder sealed the deal.

I almost forgot what Bo Sanchez has promised that he will pray for the Truly Rich Club members everyday. He will always pray for our abundance and success. And looking at the positive status of my stock market portfolio now, I know that he has kept and will keep his promise to pray for us everyday. This reason alone is powerful enough to stop me from unsubscribing from the Truly Rich Club. ๐Ÿ™‚

I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to give your feedback in the comments below.

Click here to join or resubscribe to the Truly Rich Club.

Blessings! ๐Ÿ™‚