Archives for posts with tag: domestic helpers
Bo Sanchez' Stock Market Investing Tips

Bo Sanchez’ Stock Market Investing Tips

Most Filipinos think that the stock market is only for the rich.

But Bo Sanchez, The Preacher In Blue Jeans, will tell you otherwise. In his three and a half minute interview with My Puhunan host, Karen Davila, he showed that simple people like his helpers and other regular employees can also invest in the stock market.

Watch his enlightening interview wherein he also shared tips on how simple Filipinos should handle their money and win in the stock market in this video.

Take Bo Sanchez’ advice, take time to learn how the stock market works and regularly invest small amounts in it for your money to grow exponentially and retire rich.

Do you want to learn the step-by-step procedure on how to invest in the stock market that Bo Sanchez taught his helpers? Click here.

Did you know that you can invest in the stock market even if you are living abroad or residing in the province? Click here to learn how.


Truly Rich Club Testimonial

Truly Rich Club Testimonial

Do you want to learn how to invest in the stock market without losing your lifetime savings? Do you want to know the system of investing that maids and a driver (who now have P700,000+, P500,000+ and more than P200,000+, respectively) have been doing for several years now? Join the Truly Rich Club if you answered “yes” to both questions. Click here to join.

Here’s what some Truly Rich Club members say:

Truly Rich Club Testimonial

Truly Rich Club Testimonial

Truly Rich Club Testimonial

Truly Rich Club Testimonial

Truly Rich Club Testimonial

Truly Rich Club Testimonial

Truly Rich Club Testimonial

Truly Rich Club Testimonial

See photos of Noel, Minda, Allan, Janet, Kein, Rona and Armida  and meet more happy Truly Rich Club members, click here.

Happy Investing this 2015! 😉


If you want to run, run a mile. If you want to experience a different life, run a marathon. – Emil Zatopek

Have you always wanted to start investing but until now you don’t have the minimum P 5,000.00 needed as the initial capital for your investment?

Are you about to give up your plan of investing because 2014 is almost over and you are already discouraged to begin ?

Don’t give up yet. There is still HOPE.

At the beginning of this year, there was a viral post on Facebook entitled, 52 Week Money Challenge: The Kuripot Pinay Version. It is a way of saving money where increments of 50 pesos at regular intervals were placed in a piggy bank to come up with a total of P68,900.00 at the end of the year which an individual can use for any specific goal he has set.

Since setting aside an increment of 50 pesos at regular intervals was quite difficult for some, the author came up with different versions wherein an individual can save in increments of 5 pesos, 10 pesos and 20 pesos.

For an individual’s objective of saving the amount of P5,000.00 to use as initial capital for an investment, I have adopted the version of setting aside increments of 5 pesos and placing these in a piggy bank everyday for 52 days instead of the original version done at weekly intervals.

The image below shows you the version I created.

Starting at 5 pesos on Day 1 and adding 5 pesos everyday to the amount one needs to set aside for a day will result to a total savings of P6890.00 at the end of the exercise!

How it’s done: Day 1, set aside 5 pesos. Day 2 set aside 10 pesos. Day 3 set aside 15 pesos. So on and so forth until the 52nd day.

You will then have the initial capital of P5000.00 necessary to start investing in a mutual fund or buying several stocks in the stock market before the year ends. Cool, isn’t it? 🙂

And you can use the surplus of P1,890.00 however you wish. Double happiness!!

Since Christmas is just around the corner, I called this exercise, 52 Days Before Christmas Savings Marathon.

I think this is doable since regular employees’ bonuses and 13th month pays will be available a few days before Christmas.

Are you up to run this marathon?

Join to implement your plan of investing and achieving whatever you’ve dreamed of with your investment.

Marathon starts on November 3, 2014. I hope to see you at the finish line. 🙂


P.S. With P5,000.00 on hand to invest, read How Pinoy Employees and OFWs Can Invest In The Stock Market Online. If you don’t know what stocks to buy, when to buy and when to sell, join the Truly Rich Club here. Bo Sanchez, who achieved the extraordinary feat of teaching his helpers and driver how to invest in the stock market, will teach you how to do it right. Investing in the stock market is dangerous without guidance. Better to be safe than sorry, right? Click here to subscribe to the Truly Rich Club.


Shrinking piggy banks

Shrinking piggy banks

I confess.

I was guilty of putting all of my savings in the bank.

This was how I was trained as a child, save then put your savings in the bank. It would earn interest and grow.

Yes, my money “grew” in the bank. But when I crossed paths and got introduced to INFLATION, the story was never the same again.

I felt depressed, worried and stupid as I got to know more about INFLATION.

INFLATION is defined as a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.

I realized that in reality, I was “losing” money in the bank!

In the illustration above, I would have P 1,002.50 by the end of the year, an increase in my savings, but when INFLATION was factored in, my money would only buy me something that costs P 958.50. 😦

As the reality of INFLATION sunk in, I began to look for instruments with higher interest rates. Higher than the INFLATION rate.

I bought a life insurance plan and two mutual funds.

They did well and are still doing well. But, I did not stop there.

While watching television a few years ago, the news trumpeted about the Philippine bull market.

I am not an expert in the stock market. I studied it in passing while in college. But I instinctively knew then that many are profiting at the time because of the bull.

Do you agree with what has been said that we are where we are supposed to be?

As it happened, while browsing in a bookstore, I came across Bo Sanchez’ revolutionary book, “My Maid Invests In The Stock Market…And Why You Should, Too! Get your FREE copy here.

And the rest, as they say, was history.

I learned the system of investing in the stock market that Bo’s maids applied. I also got Bo Sanchez as my mentor by subscribing to the Truly Rich Club.

It was the best decision that I have made with regards to growing my money. You can look at the illustration below and judge for yourself. 🙂

The image above is proof that the estimated return of the stocks recommended by Bo Sanchez that members of the Truly Rich Club buy beat INFLATION!

I could never ask for more. I sleep at night confident that I will have enough for my old age.

I don’t put all my savings in the bank anymore ever since I became a member of the Truly Rich Club.

I now only use the bank as a place where to keep my emergency fund.

How about you? When are you going to invest your hard earned money? Until when are you going to let INFLATION eat the value of your money?

Learn how to invest in the stock market the right way and win by subscribing to the Truly Rich Club now.

Let the gloom in the weather this rainy season stay outdoors. No need to let the dark mood reach your pockets as well, agree? Try these three savings strategies and smile through the end of the season.

Strengthen your body’s immunity. Take your daily dose of Vitamin C in this season of coughs and stifles to avoid visiting the doctor which can set you back a couple of hundred pesos when he charges for consultation fee. Expect, too, to spend more when you are prescribed to take antibiotics which are usually required to be taken for 5 -7 days. Rainy season savings : P 500.00 or more

Bring your umbrella and other paraphernalia used as protection against the elements. How many times have you caught yourself feeling lazy to bring these or failing to bring one because you did not know that the weatherman forecast rain just before going home from work? It is better to always be prepared and save yourself the trouble of going to a mall to buy a new one or approaching an ambulant vendor whose product, though cheap, may turn out to be the disposable kind. Rainy season savings: P 50 – 300.

Turn off the air conditioner. This is the easiest way to cut your electricity costs. Shave a substantial amount from your energy bill the next time you get it when you don’t turn on this appliance or just use the fan if you want it still cooler. Rainy season savings: P 2,000 or more.

Now what to do with your savings? Invest it, of course! Learn how to invest your savings by clicking here.

I have been a member of the Truly Rich Club for more than three years now and I confess that I have contemplated to unsubscribe from it from time to time.

Funny though that every time I will decide to unsubscribe, something happens that prevents me from pressing that goodbye button.

Here are the three reasons why I never continued with my plan to unsubscribe from the Truly Rich Club.

1. Stock Alerts

The Truly Rich Club would send email messages with subjects like, BUY ALERT, SELL ALERT and HOLD ALERT. These email messages serve as the members’ guides on what to do with the stocks they have in their possession. If I unsubscribed from the Truly Rich Club, I would no longer have received these stock alert messages which always arrived in my inbox just in the right time.

It is true that I have access to COL Financial’s research information and I can decide to just buy stocks of the companies in COL Financial’s portfolio but I won’t receive email alerts from them if they recommend to sell or hold a stock in their portfolio. I need to go to COL Financials’ website and check from time to time any new information they have about a particular company’s stocks. Something that I can do only when I have the time and when I remember to check and which I most often do on a whim.

Whenever I would order to sell the stocks I bought recommended by the Truly Rich Club ahead of the sell alert email, I would often than not, receive hold alert emails recommending to hold selling the stock because the target price of the stock will be upgraded. What I do when this happens is to immediately cancel my sell order and patiently wait for the new target price. If I did not receive those stock alerts then I would have lost opportunities to profit more.

Note: Buy, Hold and Sell only through the Truly Rich Club‘s recommendation and do not do as I often did before which was to Buy and Sell ahead of the club’s recommendation.

2. The Quarterly Truly Rich Club Gold Mastermind

I received an invitation in the first quarter of this year to join the first ever Truly Rich Club Gold Mastermind. It is a venue where Truly Rich Club Gold members can meet each other in person and all the members get to meet Truly Rich Club Platinum members who are entrepreneurs generous enough to share their individual journeys to success in the world of business.

We were able to be in a room with like-minded people where we learned how to create other income streams.

There was an attendee at the time who I think was blessed more than what he hoped for because he was planning to put up a gasoline station included in the ‘big three” gasoline stations in our country but one of the presenters who happened to own a gasoline station before discouraged the attendee from doing so because it is not profitable to put up one at present. The attendee was given another more profitable business idea in the same industry to consider.

Another entrepreneur speaker let the attendees in on how he established an online shoe store which has sold more shoes than the brands being sold in the malls.

If I unsubscribed from the Truly Rich Club then I would have missed this exciting event exclusive to Truly Rich Club members. I would have missed growing and expanding my knowledge on how to create multiple income streams.

3. Everyday Prayer Intercession by Bo Sanchez

I was reminded of  this by a friend when I went to the Kerygma Conference last year. We were catching up with each other when she led me to an article in the newsletter that was distributed during the event. In the article was an image of Bo Sanchez’ maid who already has more than half a million pesos in the stock market.

What struck me was what my friend said, “This is not impossible because Bo Sanchez prays everyday.”

This reminder sealed the deal.

I almost forgot what Bo Sanchez has promised that he will pray for the Truly Rich Club members everyday. He will always pray for our abundance and success. And looking at the positive status of my stock market portfolio now, I know that he has kept and will keep his promise to pray for us everyday. This reason alone is powerful enough to stop me from unsubscribing from the Truly Rich Club. 🙂

I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to give your feedback in the comments below.

Click here to join or resubscribe to the Truly Rich Club.

Blessings! 🙂

Words of Wisdom by Abraham Lincoln

Words of Wisdom by Abraham Lincoln

This is a post on Truly Rich Club’s Facebook page shared by one of my friends.  I agree with everything that  Abraham Lincoln wrote and I felt it would be selfish of me if I don’t share it so that more will benefit from it.

How about you? Do you agree with what A.L. wrote?

Please feel free to share this as well.

If you want to become truly rich, click here.